Executive Management

Meet Our Dynamic Executive Management Team

At the heart of NFRA’s operations lies a highly efficient and multi-skilled Executive Management team, led by our esteemed Chief Executive Officer. This team embodies expertise, dedication, and a commitment to excellence, driving our agency towards achieving its goals.

Key Functional Departments

Supporting our Executive Management are three key functional departments: Operations, Finance, and Human Resource and Administration. Each department is staffed with talented individuals who bring a wealth of experience and specialized skills to their roles. Together, they ensure the smooth functioning of NFRA’s operations, financial management, and human capital development.

Ensuring Accountability and Integrity

Integral to our governance structure is our proficient Internal Audit unit. This dedicated team plays a crucial role in providing oversight functions, ensuring accountability, and upholding the highest standards of integrity across all aspects of our operations.
At NFRA, we take pride in our dynamic team and their unwavering commitment to excellence. Together, we strive to fulfill our mission and contribute positively to the food security and well-being of Malawi.

George Macheka

Chief Executive Officer

Spearheads our strategic journey towards exceptional grain management and food security, fostering innovation and guiding our mission with visionary leadership.

David Loga

Finance Director

Oversees the efficient management of resources to support our mission of grain management and food security.

Humphreys Gunchi

Human Resources & Administration Director

Oversees the human capital essential for efficient grain management, fostering a supportive work environment and ensuring administrative processes run smoothly.

Cosmas Pelekani

Operations Director

Drives the meticulous execution of grain management processes, optimizing logistics, storage, and distribution to meet the nation’s food security needs effectively.

National Food Reserve Agency

Adequate Reserves for Malawi

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